王乐业,永利集团研究员,助理教授,博导。2016年博士毕业于法国南巴黎电信学院及巴黎第六大学,2016至2018年于香港科技大学从事博士后研究工作。研究方向为群智感知及城市时空数据分析。发表国际会议及期刊论文50余篇,Google Scholar统计引用1500余次,包括普适计算、数据挖掘、人工智能等相关会议期刊,如UbiComp, WWW, AAAI,IJCAI, Artificial Intelligence等。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,城市计算中的跨城市群智知识迁移,2020/01-2023/12,60万元,主持
Selected Publications
L. Wang, D. Yang, X. Han, D. Zhang, X. Ma, “Mobile Crowdsourcing Task Allocation with Differential-and-Distortion Geo-Obfuscation”.IEEE Trans. Dependable and Secure Computing, online.(CCF A)
L. Wang, X. Geng, X. Ma, F. Liu, Q. Yang. “Cross-City Transfer Learning for Deep Spatiotemporal Prediction”.IJCAI 2019. (CCF A)
L. Wang,X. Geng, X. Ma, D. Zhang, Q. Yang, “Ridesharing Car Detection by Transfer Learning”.Elsevier Artificial Intelligence 273: 1-18 (2019).(CCF A)
L. Wang, G. Qin, D. Yang, X. Han, X. Ma. “Geographic Differential Privacy for Mobile Crowd Coverage Maximization”.AAAI 2018: 200-207.(CCF A)
L. Wang, B. Guo, Q. Yang, “Smart City Development with Urban Transfer Learning”.IEEEComputer 51(12): 32-41 (2018).
L. Wang, D. Zhang, D. Yang, A. Pathak, C. Chen, X. Han, H. Xiong, Y. Wang, “SPACE-TA: Cost- Effective Task Allocation Exploiting Intradata and Interdata Correlations in Sparse Crowdsensing”.ACM Trans. Intelligent Systems and Technology 9(2): 20:1-20:28 (2018).
L. Wang, D. Yang, X. Han, T. Wang, D. Zhang, X. Ma. “Location Privacy-Preserving Task Allocation in Mobile Crowdsensing with Differential Geo-Obfuscation”.WWW 2017: 627-636.(CCF A)
L. Wang, D. Zhang, H. Xiong, J. P. Gibson, C. Chen, B. Xie. “ecoSense: Minimize Participants’ Total 3G Data Cost in Mobile Crowdsensing Using Opportunistic Relays”.IEEE Trans. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 47(6): 965-978 (2017).
L. Wang, D. Zhang, Y. Wang, C. Chen, X. Han, A. Mhamed. “Sparse Mobile Crowdsensing: Challenges and Opportunities”.IEEE Comm. Mag. 54(7): 161-167 (2016).(100+ citations)
L. Wang, D. Zhang, D. Yang, B. Y. Lim, X. Ma. “Differential Location Privacy in Sparse Mobile Crowdsensing”.ICDM 2016: 1257-1262.
L. Wang, D. Zhang, Z. Yan, H. Xiong, B. Xie. “effSense: A Novel Mobile Crowdsensing Framework for Energy-Efficient and Cost-Effective Data Uploading”.IEEE Trans. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 45(12): 1549-1563 (2015).
L. Wang, D. Zhang, A. Pathak, C. Chen, H. Xiong, D. Yang, Y. Wang. “CCS-TA: Quality-Guaranteed Online Task Allocation in Compressive Crowdsensing”.UbiComp 2015: 683-694.(CCF A)
D. Zhang,L. Wang, H. Xiong, B. Guo. “4W1H in Mobile Crowd Sensing”.IEEE Comm. Mag.52(8): 42-48 (2014).(100+ citations)