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Institute of Software

Xie, Tao


Institute:Institute of Software

Research Interests:Software engineering, system software, software security, trustworthy AI,RISC-V software ecosystem


Short Bio:

Tao Xie is a Peking University Chair Professor, Fudan University Adjunct Top-Talent Professor, Chair of the Department of Software Science and Engineering in the School of Computer Science at Peking University, Secretary General of Shanghai Open Processor Innovation Center, and Chief Scientist of Beijing Institute of Open Source Chip. He was a Full Professorat the Department of Computer Science, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), USA. He is a Foreign Member of Academia Europaea, and a Fellow of ACM, IEEE, AAAS, and China Computer Federation (CCF). He won an Xplorer Prize, NSFC Overseas Distinguished Young Scholar Award, ACM China Distinguished Scholar, NSF Faculty CAREER Award, ACM SIGSOFT Influential Educator Award, ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Service Award, IEEE TCSE Distinguished Service Award, MSR Foundational Contribution Award, ASE 2021 Most Influential Paper Award, etc. He serves as Director of CCF Technical Committee of System Software (TCSS), RISC-V+AI Computility Ecosystem (RACE) Committee Chair, and RISC-V International AI/ML SIG Chair. He served as Program Chair of China National Computer Congress (CNCC 2020), Program Co-Chair of ICSE 2021, Program/General Chair of Tapia 2017/2018,and Conference Co-Chair of 2024 RISC-V Summit China. His main research interests include software engineering, system software, software security, trustworthy AI, RISC-V software ecosystem.

Detailed Bio:

Tao Xie is a Peking University Chair Professor, Fudan University Adjunct Top-Talent Professor, Chair of the Department of Software Science and Engineering in the School of Computer Science at Peking University, Secretary General of Shanghai Open Processor Innovation CenterChief Scientist of Beijing Institute of Open Source Chip, a Deputy Director of the Key Lab of High Confidence Software Technologies, Ministry of Education, and the Deputy Secretary General of the Emerging Engineering Development Committee of Peking University. In 1997 and 2000, he received his bachelor's and master's degrees from the Department of Computer Science of Fudan University and the Department of Computer Science and Technology of Peking University (advised by Professor Hong Mei), respectively. In 2005, he received his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, USA (advised by Professor David Notkin). In 2005, he started to work as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science, North Carolina State University, USA, and was promoted to be a tenured Associate Professor in 2010 (one year early tenure). In 2013, he started to work as a tenured Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), USA (ranked the 5th among USA Computer Science Departments), and was promoted as a Full Professor there in 2017. In 2005,he founded the Automated Software Engineering Laboratory (ASE Lab), committed to becoming an international academic leader in the field of software tools. His ASE Lab has been involved in technological innovation in automated/intelligent software tools for a long time, and in recent years, has also been committed to technological innovation and education for system software.

Professor Tao Xie is an internationally known scholar in software science and engineering, whose main research interests include software engineering, system software,software security, trustworthy AI, and RISC-V software ecosystem. His research results in outstanding research achievements in software testing, software analytics, software security, software automation, intelligent software engineering, and trustworthy AI. He won an Xplorer Prize, NSFC Overseas Distinguished Young Scholar Award and its Extension Category, NSF Faculty CAREER Award, MSR Foundational Contribution Award, TSE 2018 Best Paper Award, ASE 2021 Most Influential Paper Award, etc. Among the PhD students whom he co-supervised, one won the ACM SIGSOFT Outstanding Dissertation Award and one won an inaugural NSFC Doctoral Program project. He was elected as an IEEE Fellow (2018), AAAS Fellow (2019), ACM Fellow (2021), and China Computer Federation (CCF) Fellow (2021) (the second person who won all these four honors at the same time), and a Foreign Member of Academia Europaea (2022). The citation for the first three preceding honors is "for contributions to software testing and analytics". He has produced research outcomes with high impact on software industry. For example, the Pex testing tool developed in collaboration with Microsoft Research has been released by Microsoft as the main testing feature named IntelliTest of Visual Studio Enterprise Edition since 2015. He was in charge of the research and development of a security policy testing tool named ACPT, which has been released to the public by NIST, and was downloaded by more than 550 users by the year 2019, and was used by two commercial companies as the bases for their software products. He won a Microsoft Research Outstanding Collaborator Award (one of the 32 awardee professors around the world), Microsoft Research Software Engineering Innovation Foundation (SEIF) Award, Google Faculty Research Award, Facebook Research Award, IBM Jazz Innovation Award, and three-time IBM Faculty Awards.

Professor Tao Xie has made outstanding contributions and services to the software engineering community, winning two of the three major awards of ACM SIGSOFT (the 2023 ACM SIGSOFT Influential Educator Award and the 2021 ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Service Award), and 2020 IEEE TCSE Distinguished Service Award (being the only one around the world winning these two service awards). He served/serves as the Program (co)Chair of top software engineering conferences:2015 ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA) and 2021 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). He was the Program/General Chair of ACM's flagship conference on diversity: 2017/2018 ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference (Tapia) and Conference Co-Chair of 2024 RISC-V Summit China. He was a co-Editor-in-Chief of the Wiley journal of Software Testing, Verification and Reliability (STVR)(2019-2024), and served/serves as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), and ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), an Editorial Board Member of ACM's flagship publication Communications of ACM (CACM), and the Leading Editor of "Software Systems" for the Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST). He served/serves as RISC-V+AI Computility Ecosystem (RACE) Committee Chair, RISC-V International AI/ML SIG Chair, an ACM SIGSOFT Executive Committee member, its SIGSOFT History Liaison, an ACM History Committee member, and a Co-Chair of the Technical Committee on Software Engineering of Association of Chinese Scholars in Computing, Director of CCF Technical Committee of System Software (TCSS)Deputy Director of CCF Technical Committee of Software Engineering (TCSE), Deputy Director of CCF Committee for Technical Committees, Chair of CCF-IEEE CS Young Scientist Award Committee,and an Executive Committee Member of CCF Committee for Women in Computing, etc.

中文简介(Chinese Bio)