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2022       国际电工技术委员会(IEC)1906国际标准奖

2021       兴证全球奖教金师德优秀奖

2019       上海市公路学会科学技术奖二等奖

2015       教育部科学技术进步奖一等奖

2006       国家科技技术进步奖二等奖

2005       北京市科学技术奖技术发明类二等奖


1 知识增强的“急危重症”智能辅助诊疗模型与技术 国家自然科学基金 项目主持

2 智慧城市领域知识建模与模型自增长自演化技术 国家重点研发计划 课题主持

3 基于多指标联合分析的突发急性传染病疫情监测模型 国家科技重大专项 子课题主持

4 基于电子病历的精准诊疗关键技术研究,国家自然科学基金-区域联合基金 子课题主持

5 基于临床大数据的多模式多视图不合理处方识别模型的构建与优化研究 国家自然科学基金委重大研究计划—大数据驱动的管理与决策研究中的培育项目 子课题主持

6 面向功能挖掘的代码主题建模技术研究 国家自然科学基金面上项目 项目主持

7 城市操作系统研究报告 腾讯研究院咨询项目 项目主持

8 政务数据治理体系课题研究项 贵州省大数据发展管理局 课题主持

9 大数据分类标准化研究 中国国家标准化管理委员会新一代信息技术标准实施推广与试点示范 项目主持

10 基于电力大数据的新能源政策评价和社会经济分析预测技术研究 国家电网公司总部科技项目 项目主持



ISO/IEC SC38、WG11国际专家





[1]. Jiahe Song, Hongxin Ding, Zhiyuan Wang, Yongxin Xu, Junfeng Zhao*, Yasha Wang, "ITAKE: Interactive Unstructured Text Annotation and Knowledge Extraction System with LLMs and ModelOps", ACL 2024, August 11-16,2024, Bangkok, Thailand

[2]. Yongxin Xu, Xinke Jiang, Xu Chu, Yuzhen Xiao, Chaohe Zhang, Hongxin Ding, Junfeng Zhao, Yasha Wang, Bing Xie, "ProtoMix: Augmenting Health Status Representation Learning via Prototype-based Mixup",KDD 2024, August 25–29, 2024, Barcelona, Spain

[3]. Kai Yang, Yongxin Xu, Peinie Zou, Hongxin Ding, Junfeng Zhao*, Yasha Wang, Bing Xie. "KerPrint: Local-Global Knowledge Graph Enhanced Diagnosis Prediction for Retrospective and Prospective Interpretations". In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial 2023.

[4]. Xu Yongxin, Chu Xu, Yang Kai, Wang Zhiyuan, Zou Peinie, Ding Hongxin, Zhao Junfeng*, Wang Yasha, Xie Bing. "SeqCare: Sequential Training with External Medical Knowledge Graph for Diagnosis Prediction in Healthcare Data". In Proceedings of the Web Conference 2023 (WebConf 2023), 2023.

[5]. Yang Kai, Luo Zhaojing, Gao Jinyang, Zhao JunFeng*, BengChin. Ooi and Xie Bing. "LDA-Reg: Knowledge Driven Regularization using External Corpora," in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, doi: 10.1109/TKDE.2021.3069861.

[6]. Kai Yang, Shaoqin Liu, Junfeng Zhao*, Yasha Wang, Bing Xie. "COTSAE: CO-Training of Structure and Attribute Embeddings for Entity Alignment".Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’20), 2020.

[7]. Yang, Kai, Xiang Li, Haifeng Liu, Jing Mei, Guotong Xie, Junfeng Zhao*, Bing Xie, Fei Wang. "TaGiTeD: Predictive task guided tensor decomposition for representation learning from electronic health records." In 2017 AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 2824-2830, San Francisco, California, USA. (Indexed by EI.)

[8]. Gao Xin, Zhu Zhengye, Chu Xu, Wang Yasha, Ruan Wenjie, Zhao Junfeng. "Enhancing Robust Text Classification via Category Description". In International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM); 2022

[9]. Ma Xinyu, Wang Yasha, Chu Xu, Ma Liantao, Tang Wen, Zhao Junfeng, Yuan Ye and Wang Guoren. "Patient Health Representation Learning via Correlational Sparse Prior of Medical Features". IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2022

[10]. Ma Junyi, Wang Yasha, Wang Xuanliang, Wang Jiangtao, Zhao Junfeng. "A three-tiered semi supervised MTL mechanism and its application in dating apps". Neural Computing and Applications, 2022: 1-15. WOS: 000895569900003

[11]. Ma Junyi, Wang Xuanliang, Wang Yasha, Wang Jiangtao, Chu Xu, Zhao Junfeng. "Enhancing Online Epidemic Supervising System by Compartmental and GRU Fusion Model". Mobile Information Systems 2022. WOS:000863123100020

[12]. Zhang Chaohe, Chu Xu, Ma Liantao,Zhu Yinghao,Wang Yasha, Wang Jiangtao and Zhao Junfeng. "M3Care: Learning with Missing Modalities in Multimodal Healthcare Data". In Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 2418-2428).

[13]. Li, Wenpeng, Yingkui Cao, Junfeng Zhao*, Yanzhen Zou, Bing Xie. "Toward Summary Extraction Method for Functional Topic." In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C), pp. 16-23, Prague, Czech, IEEE, 2017. (Indexed by SCI & EI.) WOS:000426819400003

[14]. Zhang, Lingxiao, Xiang Li, Haifeng Liu, Jing Mei, Gang Hu, Junfeng Zhao*, Yanzhen Zou, Bing Xie, Guotong Xie. "Probabilistic-Mismatch Anomaly Detection: Do One’s Medications Match with the Diagnoses." In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), pp. 659-668, Barcelona, Spain. IEEE, 2016. (Indexed by EI&SCI.) WOS:000401811600067

[15]. Zhang, Lingxiao, Junfeng Zhao*, Yasha Wang, Bing Xie. "Mining Patterns of Disease Progression: A Topic-Model-Based Approach." HEC/MIE 2016, Studies in health technology and informatics 228 (2016): 354-358. (Indexed by SCI.) WOS:000390309900069最佳论文提名.



a) 数据治理之论,人民大学出版社,2020年7月,ISBN 978-7-300-28232-9

b) 数据治理之路,人民大学出版社,2022年5月,ISBN 978-7-300-30387-1(入选国家新闻出版署“十四五”国家重点出版物出版专项规划项目)

c) 数据治理之法,人民大学出版社,2020年3月,ISBN 978-7-300-30388-8(入选国家新闻出版署“十四五”国家重点出版物出版专项规划项目)




1. 《电子商务软件构件分类与代码》,GB/T 38776-2020;

2. 《信息技术 大数据 数据分类指南》,GB/T 38667-2020;

3. 《信息技术 大数据 政务数据开放共享 第1部分:总则》,GB/T 38664.1-2020;

4. 《信息技术 大数据 政务数据开放共享 第2部分:基本要求》,GB/T 38664.2-2020;

5. 《信息技术 大数据 政务数据开放共享 第3部分:开放程度评价》,GB/T 38664.3-2020;

6. 《智慧城市 领域知识模型 核心概念模型》,GB/T 36332-2018;

7. 《软件构件管理 - 管理信息模型》,GB/T 36446-2018;

8. 《智慧城市技术参考模型》,GB/T 34678-2017;

9. 《信息技术 大数据 术语》,GB/T 35295-2017;

10. 《信息技术 大数据 技术参考模型》,GB/T 35295-2017;

11. 《信息技术 SOA治理》,GB/T 34985-2017;


1. ISO/IEC 30145-2:2020, Information technology - Smart City ICT Reference Framework— Part 2: Smart City Knowledge Management Framework,信息技术-智慧城市ICT框架-第二部分:智慧城市知识管理框架,2020.11发布,主编;

2. ISO/IEC 18384-1:2016, Information technology - Reference Architecture for Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) - Part 1: Terminology and Concepts for SOA,信息技术-面向服务的体系结构参考架构 第1部分:SOA术语和概念,已发布;

3. ISO/IEC 18384-2:2016, Information technology -Reference Architecture for Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) - Part 2: Reference Architecture for SOA Solutions,信息技术-面向服务的体系结构参考架构 第2部分:SOA解决方案的参考体系结构,已发布;

4. ISO/IEC TR 30102:2012, Information technology -- Distributed Application Platforms and Services (DAPS) -- General technical principles of Service Oriented Architecture,信息技术-面向服务的体系结构总体原则,已发布;

5. ISO/IEC 17788, Information technology - Cloud Computing – Overview and Vocabulary ,云计算术语,已发布;

6. ISO/IEC 17789, Information technology – Cloud Computing – Reference Architecture,云计算参考架构,已发布。